Consider the millions of tonnes of plastic utensils that are thrown away each year. And in the worst-case scenario, if you throw away a single piece of cutlery, it will spend a thousand years in the landfill. But it doesn’t end there, plastic chemicals deteriorate over time and can end up in your food, water and the air you breathe.

In addition, plastic trash kills about 1,000,000 marine species yearly. Plastic wastes are also another huge financial waste. Oil is becoming scarce, we’re drowning in plastic and wildlife is suffering as a result. All for the sake of convenience.

So, is compostable cutlery a better option? What is compostable cutlery? How is it made? Let’s find out. 


What Is Compostable Cutlery?

The use of disposable cutlery is becoming widespread. Every day, more individuals are becoming aware of how important it is to protect the environment. Businesses also adopt an eco-friendly approach that can profit in a multitude of ways.

Plastics that can be composted are the new generation of plastics as they are made from sustainable materials, such as cornstarch. Non-toxic compostable plastics break down into water, biomass and water when composted.

In Australia, a plastic substance must adhere to the AS 4736-2006 standard to be certified as compostable. This standard outlines the criteria by which plastic materials intended for industrial anaerobic composting plants will be evaluated.


How Is Compostable Cutlery Produced?

Compared to petroleum-based plastics, the production of compostable plastics is far less environmentally harmful. Essentially, the same manufacturing method is used to create both single-use and compostable cutlery. The main distinction is the resin to make them before they are cut from moulds.

Businesses that produce disposable cutlery use natural plant materials to make them compostable. Compostable cutlery shouldn’t generally be thrown away in landfills. Instead, they should be sent to industrial composting facilities where they will be disposed of under ideal conditions that encourage decomposition.


What Kind of Plastic Is Ideal for Use in Food Service?

For food service ware that will include food residue, compostable plastics are the best option. This is because regular plastics that have been in food contact shouldn’t be recycled. Unclean and damp plastic shouldn’t be recycled, as it will contaminate other recyclable materials.

If you’re using compostable cutlery, you can compost them together with the leftover food scraps. Composting significantly reduces the amount of food waste that ends up in landfills because food and food-contaminated materials account for almost a third of all rubbish.


Are Compostable Plates Impressive?

Compostable cutlery has a beneficial environmental impact. You can reduce the amount of single-use plastic that gets dumped in the neighbourhood landfill by switching to these cutleries for a picnic or even at your restaurant.

Not just that, it uses less energy to produce biodegradable cutleries than it does to produce single-use plastics. Since these items are manufactured from renewable materials, they degrade fast and do not destroy nature’s resources. 

You can lessen the number of chemicals you are exposed to when you use eco-friendly cutleries and plates. Additionally, they don’t release hazardous chemical substances.

Compostables provide us with the chance to lessen our carbon footprint. It is our responsibility to reduce our waste in whatever manner we can as the effects of climate change are becoming apparent. 


Why Bonnie Bio Compostable Cutlery Is Better

Compostable materials for disposable cutlery are better than plastics in one way or another because they’re designed with the economy in mind. 

Compostable cutlery, made from plant-based materials, may survive beyond the waste phase of the cycle. It re-enters the resource flow as nutrient-rich compost, trapping carbon from the atmosphere whilst enriching our soil. 

Several factors make compostable cutlery plastics from Bonnie Bio an environmentally preferable substitute for regular plastics like polythene and polystyrene:


  • Highly functional

Chopsticks, spoons and forks are all available in bio cutlery, which makes them a great option for restaurant owners. You can keep these eco-friendly cutlery sets for up to 18 months. 

They will eventually break down when you place them in a compost pit or soak them after use.


  • Tested and non-toxic

High levels of harmful compounds are found in plastic items, especially those used for food packaging. These compounds inadvertently find their way into people’s meals. Bleaches, dyes and ink are just a few of the compounds found in these single-use plastics. 

Eco-friendly cutlery sets, on the other hand, solely use plant-based materials, so it’s guaranteed that it’s safe for you to use. 


Bonnie Bio: Sustainable Compostable Packaging in Australia

Given that it may decompose fast, every set of disposable cutlery is completely eco-friendly. As a result, it’s a great alternative if you want to contribute to the environment. 

Check Bonnie Bio’s compostable products if you want to learn more about our amazing compostable cutleries and other eco-friendly items. Everything from straws and disposable cutlery to bin liners and rubbish bags is environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

For more details about our products, contact us today.