Compostable plastics are made from renewable resources and will break down into harmless substances in a composting environment. They’re an earth-friendly alternative to conventional plastics, which can take centuries to degrade.

Compostable plastics are great for food packaging because they keep food fresh and allow it to breathe. They’re also strong and durable, making them ideal for shopping bags, coffee cups and other single-use items.

However, not all compostable packaging is created equal, so it’s important to do your research before you purchase anything. Make sure the product you’re buying is certified compostable by a reputable company.

What Is Compostable Plastic Made Out Of?

Compostable plastics are made out of bio-based materials like corn starch, spud starch or sugar cane. These substances can be broken down by microorganisms found in soil, which makes them environmentally friendly.

Whilst most people think of compostable plastic bags as being used for groceries, they can actually be used for a variety of purposes. For example, they can be used to line garbage cans or as food storage containers. And because they’re made out of renewable resources, they’re a more sustainable option than traditional plastics.

Why Compostable Bags Are a Good Alternative

The next time you’re looking for an eco-friendly option, consider compostable bags. It may just be the answer you’ve been looking for.

1. Draws Away Waste from Landfill

The single-use foodservice items that we all love are often not very environmentally friendly. This is because they can’t be recycled or reclaimed due to some of their materials like paper, plastic and metal in the package. Often, they end up in landfills.

On the other hand, compostable packaging, which is made of plant-based materials, can be composted. Instead of producing methane in landfills, it gets incorporated into the soil as fertilisers. 

2. Eliminates Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The world’s population is continuously growing, and as a result, there are more plastics being used and methane produced as this waste sits in landfills. When in landfills, this waste is deprived of oxygen. This leads to an increase in methane gas, which has 28 times the ability than carbon dioxide does so far on climate change. 

Fortunately, compostable bags and other products can help in reducing the production of methane gas in landfills as they can be composted. This has made a massive impact and is a key tactic to fight climate change.  

3. Diminishes the Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Fossil fuels are non-renewable sources from which conventional plastics are made. Once exhausted, these energy sources may take not just hundreds but millions of years to be replenished. With compostable plastics that are made of bio-based materials, the dependence on fossil fuels can be reduced. 

Is Compostable Packaging Ideal for Food Service?

The many benefits of bio-compostable bags and packaging make them the perfect choice for food service packaging. Compostable products are made from materials like cornstarch, which is a renewable resource. They’re also durable and leak-resistant, making them ideal for transporting food. 

Plus, compostable products like compostable cutlery sets and straws are affordable and easy to find. Most importantly, these plastics break down into harmless substances when they’re exposed to oxygen and microorganisms in a compost pile. This means that they won’t contribute to the growing problem of plastic pollution. 

So, if you care about the environment, switch to compostable packaging today. You’ll be doing your part to reduce waste and protect our planet. 

Bonnie Bio: Sustainable Compostable Packaging in Australia

If you’re looking for a way to reduce your environmental impact, compostable plastics may be the perfect solution for you. Not only do they break down quickly and easily, but they can also help improve the quality of your soil. 

Bonnie Bio is here to help you find the right compostable plastic products for your business. Give us a call today to learn more about our options and how we can help you go green.