One main concern of environmentalists is the littered oceans and landfills of plastics that heap up and make this world ‘polluted’ in every sense of the word. That’s why, the principle of going green to help save our mother Earth becomes popular, and there’s the birth of biodegradable plastic bags.

The use of biodegradable plastics aims to lessen environmental pollution. Manufacturers turning green saw the importance of this move. It spread like wildfire, prompting different industries, such as the food industry, to switch to ‘biodegradable.’

Nowadays, compostable plastics are also becoming a trend. These lightweight materials can be turned into better products that do away with harsh chemicals as compostable plastics. 

What are compostable plastics? Let’s learn about the basics.


Basic Facts About Compostable Bags

Compostable plastics are not your conventional plastics that end up in landfill and sit there for a long time. These products are composed of natural materials that allow them to disintegrate fast. Because they are made of organic material, compostable products can decompose naturally under the right conditions. This creates a more sustainable way of keeping the environment toxic free and lessens carbon gas emission, which contributes greatly to greenhouse effect.


Compostable Bags: A Great Alternative Against Plastics

The production involved in creating compostable plastic bags doesn’t leave toxic residue behind. Compostable plastics are made from natural ingredients or plant-based products, such as corn or wheat, which when composted will just give back to the soil what it needs to be healthy. 

Whilst the general public can’t shift easily from the use of conventional plastic bags everyday, environmental groups and even private companies have looked into the usefulness of compostable products as an alternative to plastic bags. 


Why Is Compostable Better Than Biodegradable?

All compostable products are biodegradable, but not all biodegradable products are compostable. The difference is crystal clear; biodegradable plastics decompose slowly and leave traces of metal that is toxic to the environment in time, whilst compostable products organically break down through time, leaving valuable nutrients, improving the soil’s health and act as natural fertiliser. 


Why Compostable Bags Matter to the Environment

With more people being aware of the current situation of our planet when it comes to pollution, it has been a relief to mother Earth that green initiatives have definitely started rolling. If you care about the environment, then you should definitely start using compostable bags. Here are seven reasons why. 

• No Toxins

Can we really have toxic-free products? The answer is yes. Compostable products have their natural way of decomposition, and they are mainly made by raw materials like starch or fibres activated by carefully selected chemicals, which eventually create a more durable product.

• Conveniently Disposable

Knowing that compostable products leave no toxic trace due to its natural composition, disposing of used compostable products, such as compostable bags and utensils, is easy. When rubbish ends up in landfills, compostable products become a part of the soil like any other natural products.


• Lesser Carbon Footprint

With the natural degradation of compostable products, they have a lesser carbon footprint. Why? The way these products decompose has a similar process as to raw materials, such as fruits and plants. Another pro here is that the soil becomes fertile with the decomposition products, and there’s less to no trace of carbon footprint.

• Lightweight and Easy to Transport

Compostable products are lightweight and easy to transport because they have less to no traces of metal or other material that adds to the weight of the product.

• Safe for Marine Environment

Our marine animals have been suffering greatly because of the improper disposal of plastic waste. We see them in countless advertisements where a dolphin is bathed with crude oil or turtles with a plastic ring stuck on its head.

Compostable products are organic, so they break down easily, especially under indeal conditions.

• Healthier Option

Not just for trash bins and poop collectors, compostable plastics are also made into utensils like straws and cutlery. Corporate offices and food industries are taking a big shift of using eco-friendly products that reduce the use of standard plastic.

• Reasonable Price

Obviously, price would be an issue to discuss. People become sensitive when it comes to costing. However, the good thing is though compostable products may seem a little pricey, the benefits you get are priceless compared to when using conventional but cheap plastic bags. 


Bonnie Bio: Sustainable Compostable Packaging in Australia

Our world is facing a serious environmental crisis, and we can feel the effects now. Why not join many others in preserving our planet by shifting to a greener future?

Bonnie Bio offers a range of compostable products that are environmentally safe and responsible. Check out our compostable products and add to your cart today.